Established in 2004 with a passionate belief that
Movies Change People and People Change the World.
We exist because of you...
Just like Jenny said to Forrest on the bus ... "You can sit with me if you wanna."
There’s a seat for you at Movies Change People.
Mother Teresa And Me
The Hopeful
Into The Spotlight
Mother Teresa And Me
The Hopeful
Into The Spotlight
Wonder is a streaming platform brought to you by Movies Change People.
Wonder includes new release feature films, premiering for the first time in Australia and New Zealand. Wonder is where you'll find the very best stories on film from all around the world. Our highly curated selection of movies have been handpicked with YOU in mind.
In Cinemas now
You are the heartbeat of this narrative, and together we can make the world a more beautiful place.
Picture a future where the power of storytelling bridges divides and heals wounds, where every individual feels seen, valued, and connected. At HERITAGE, we aspire to be a beacon of hope, selecting films that inspire and foster a sense of purpose and belonging. We dream of a world where every frame we share contributes to a vibrant, meaningful tapestry of life.
Imagine a world where the stories we tell bring light to the darkest corners, where every narrative uplifts and empowers. This is our vision, to be the leading film distribution company that not only entertains but profoundly enhances lives. Every frame is for you, because together, we create the movement, the life, and the beauty that makes the world a more magnificent place.
Let’s unite in this vision, for the world is watching, and together, we can make it a better place.
We’ve poured heart and purpose into creating a world of meaning and connection, bringing stories that inspire across every screen size.
Wonderfully cheap movie vouchers.
Valid for any movie, any day at participating cinemas including Events, Village and Dendy Cinemas. With every Wonder Tix eVoucher you buy, we donate $1 to help bring light to our world.
Gather together. We make it easy.
Host memorable local movie events accessing our large catalogue of films. We set up the ticketing, collateral and details for you - and you can even use it to fundraise!
Rent. Subscribe. Belong.
Wonder is a streaming platform available in Australia and New Zealand, where you can rent or subscribe, to some of the best stories on film from around the world.
Mother Teresa And Me
Into The Spotlight
After Death
Mother Teresa And Me
The Hopeful
Into The Spotlight